Gingin Shire gives Small Business Development Centre $5000 in kind

To the Gingin Shire,
I’d like to personally thankyou for reading my single letter out loud to your coucillors at the meeting where you were allocating grants and funds for our community. Thank you to the Sun City News for bringing this to our attention.
I appreciate the effort that it takes to run the Gingin Shire and the total land mass your team has to look after. Thank you for acknowledging my letter and granting our Small Business Development Centre an in kind grant of $5000.
What may seem like different areas only recieve small amounts of money and grants, but in actual fact I look at grants with a totally different set of eyes. I see the opportunity of a small grant given, with a greater scope for creativity. By building unique events for our Gingin Shire on a shoestring and committing to networking groups is what comes with working within a limited budget, together we need to think differently. Gingin is the heart of the Moore River region and has really earned its heart medal with a community like this. My wish is for the Gingin Shire to grab tourism with two hands and tell us the direction you see us heading as I am feeling somewhat squashed and stiffled, I wouldn’t hang around if I couldn’t see the potential. But if I decide that I no longer can be a committee member of Gingin Tourism, let me tell you, I will never give in on something that I can see the potential for. If I can see my daughter go through a nut allergy and come out the other with bells and whistles, this is the same strength,courage and commitment I will give to my community and love for tourism. You may only see that a single letter sent was sent to the Gingin Shire, but my community made me do it! They believe in me to make the right choices for the greater community and I will always uphold in that belief.