Gingin Tourism are an awesome team of volunteers of dedicated locals

Last night I saw the heart of Gingin working at its best.
Our meeting, our AGM, our ability to network and show a united front for all to see
What was interesting to me as the junior in the team, was to see us all swap roles and feel good about the changes as we are all contributing to the vision of tourism, and thank you Norm Skoglund for taking on my role, the buzz in the room was awesome.
Thank you for allowing me to take on a committee role, whilst Cosi and I build our promise to our daughter on our farm.
I saw your hearts, soul, dedication and commitment to our tourism brand last night therefore you have earned the right to be named the “ heart of Gingin “ for our tourism precinct, and you all know, I hate the words coast to country and the dividing words they represent. Seeing guests from Wanneroo, Chittering and Dandaragan, you are really in the heart of it all!
Everything we do in Gingin has heart, from our history, heritage and harvest etc
Congratulations on living the brand, tourism team

Rona Chiera

The heart of the
Moore River region