N.U.T. No Uniform Today Allergy Aware Schools. Free Dress Day

Living with a child with multiple allergies is challenging. The stories you hear from other parents can make you fearful. Isabella has now outgrown her peanut allergy although she still has other multiple allergies of which, we self manage. Now that our family has experienced both sides of the allergy world though my identical looking twins, I dedicate myself to bridging the gap between our nut consumers and the allergy world. I have a greater understanding that businesses, government and communities need to work together to solve this allergy epidemic. I am experienced and confident that together we can make a world of difference in our communities.
In sharing my story with others, my twin’s rheumatology specialist at Princess Margaret Hospital, told me that he did not recognise his own daughter’s allergic reaction that she was experiencing whilst he was with her. Luckily a visitor in his home recognised the symptoms and alerted him, that he believes his daughter was having an allergic reaction to nuts. Allergy symptoms presents itself in many various forms, and you may not have an allergy now, but if Australia has reached epidemic levels with food allergies, chances are you know someone who suffers from an allergy. It may even be you!
Together we need to fund awareness and research projects, and help manage this allergy epidemic at a community level. I would dearly love to see antihistamine in all first aid kits and if we continue to manage allergy awareness at a community level, we can reduce the time spent in an emergency hospital waiting room and reduce the impact on our health system.
Rona Chiera-Creator of N.U.T. No Uniform Today FREE Dress Day. Make your school an Allergy Aware School for 2012 which takes little to no volunteer time to organise.

Rona Chiera
CEO of Positive Peanuts
Your community is your greatest supporter in the depths of despair