Wine cheaper than Coke and water

By comparison Woolworths charges $2.25 for Pump 750ml water bottles and $3.07 for 600ml of Coca-Cola – equal to $3.84 for 750ml. Australia’s wine industry has been facing a grape glut since 2007. And the wine industry is getting worse, with a new winery opening every two days. You are paying less for good wines and getting a great quality for your money. Producers’ pain is drinkers’ gain.
For me to enjoy a great wine, I need to feel it as an experience, an emotion and as entertainment. I feel Jylland Vineyard fulfils my every desire when it comes to great wines. I hope you get to experience the owners’ hospitality, Edel of Jylland Vineyard, just 1 hour north of Perth in the Moore River region. Edel’s hospitality will leave you speechless and forever you will become an ambassador for Jylland Vineyard, one of our greatest local producers.