Our Top 5 Halloween Tips: We have the Sweetest Streets in Western Australia

Our Top 5 Halloween Tips:

We have the Sweetest Streets in my neighbourhood in Western Australia

“Sweetest Street” success is a great recipe that we are happy to share

1)      1 week prior you send a note to your Neighbours with your details:

Phone number and name of the parent supervisor on the walk

Day, Date and time of your walk e.g. 4pm-6pm

Estimated group size 2-12 kids

Group sizes: based on a bag of fun snack size chocolates that have 12 in a bag

Avoid more than 12 kids, as one bag of lollies keeps the costs low for our neighbours and under $3.

2)      Invite other children on that street to join (BYO Parent)

3)      Dress in Halloween costume or make up

4)      Respect your neighbour’s property, thank them, say trick or treat, even if empty handed.

5)      Reverse Halloween. When Halloween falls on a weekend, do not trick or treat. Weekends are rest & recreation days for our neighbours and families. Send a note to your neighbours with a chocolate bar attached and thank them for being a part of your Halloween Trick or Treat Trail.

We have children in our group with special needs, nut allergies and it does not matter if you give a little or a lot, it will all be divided up evenly at the end of the day amongst the children.

Our family have used Halloween as a way of saying hello to our Neighbours whilst dealing with and experiencing allergies and children with special needs children. One of our Neighbours is a police officer they are thankful of the safety, respect and coordination of our annual event.


So who wants to try and claim next year’s sweetest street of Australia?

Rona Chiera

Moore River Holidays