West Coast Honey’s Propolis. Can Propolis cure my Shingles?

I am currently contagious with shingles on the left side of my body. The Shingles has given me a bubbly rash, a burning sensation of the area, pain and shingles is  very itchy. Clothing irritates me too when I come in contact with it. I am experimenting with propolis purchased from West Coast Honey, here in Gingin, Western Australia. I am swallowing 10 concentrated drops of propolis to improve my immune system, then I am adding drops of concentrated propolis to my affected area until I have covered the rash completely. I cover the affected area as I start to feel irritated by all the sensations that come with shingles. This can be up to 3 – 4  times in a day. It is day 5 of having the visible signs of shingles and the relief that I have been wanting from propolis seems to be working. The rash has be no way disappeared, but I am feeling happy that the irritating sensations and appearance of the shingles is somewhat becoming more bearable. If I compare using propolis for the 3 days of the 5 days, my rash has reduced by almost 50%. I am glad the hot burning sensation is reducing, but it’s the itchyness that I would say, bothers me the most. The itchyness feels like a mosquito bite that will just not go away. I will keep you posted on my progress of my shingles using with this natural bee product called propolis. I hope propolis can help cure my shingles.

Rona Chiera -Moore River Holidays

My Personal journey and experience with Shingles using propolis